

维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com

少儿舞蹈《采蘑菇的小姑娘》 , W* H9 w. d; a, T3 a; v: p* j& M& \$ d$ W
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC; r  t" j, w# l' w

3 u+ H+ U0 s7 KChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC3 }! U6 R: S: ^& P, h0 |

) W$ Q; l" k( WChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC' n, D8 K. _' d
. G6 }8 I1 Y2 E. O0 _4 t
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
( r2 d5 i* m' }) S8 U! s , A2 u. ]2 w: c6 X0 _$ N3 D
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
8 s: }' g2 Y: i  s- h4 H' k
3 @1 U, k: `7 m8 DChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC) ]* G- j1 Y" J; |8 d( I; }
' ]% `8 e& Q# ^- B0 s
$ z/ D/ I0 u% T: t. w) k# F0 c* L
[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:56 编辑 ]


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com


Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
3 g) v, {* {2 s4 [1 V
3 @- I1 r( Z% S* _5 D2 P' H7 rChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
2 x! b$ G$ m# Z: D2 q, u, z0 f' f 9 I; d: W* ~* ?  H0 _
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC/ U0 K4 x' N" i

8 A1 ~% }# w& [' [8 A8 s

Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC

1 d9 x- f7 p- u! }0 F1 D

Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC

3 ~" Y; K: r4 E4 l7 m

# R# u; |. z2 ]7 _, a[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:57 编辑 ]


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com

儿童舞蹈《小燕子》 儿童舞蹈《小燕子》
$ \- q9 p, C3 P5 E# h 儿童舞蹈《小燕子》/ t6 s2 w% P: y' L2 t
" X, E2 w( }4 M6 C
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC$ o. |: _# z; K- _* Z9 v

( x5 z$ _" H, @7 k$ XChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC0 J6 Q9 B( t* {4 Q- ^( k% s- `
1 S6 t0 F7 k) l4 C% S
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC: c, @* H5 ]/ A- F' N. j8 N
: \  V' l" u1 H7 o- L6 V
7 c: h* z- x% P. a3 g) ~( x
[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:57 编辑 ]


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com

舞蹈《小城雨巷》 Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
- }- i, @, I5 h. o# ~' a Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC! m# k$ e: q, [( J
. Z- m/ V. h3 p, j/ [
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC. |# S" z1 M; K$ D# F$ D
/ G) k2 d0 M+ i* [0 `
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC! [! ~: }$ h: `( z1 f) z, a* m
/ u7 r4 X% C  I7 A8 s8 n- U
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria,
+ N  v" z3 d9 w- ~$ U. ^$ ?) q4 s. i" B0 c6 M, K
[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:57 编辑 ]



太极剑舞《向前进》 # ~% H2 f7 S/ T; m+ ^, s8 p" _
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC" K1 F7 T  t" X+ m  o

/ x# p5 W. i! F) u2 zChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC; M2 v1 J7 Z* k9 m6 _
8 ]( m. W- K# F4 I( }
* w6 _1 S% M& G& a1 n
[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:57 编辑 ]


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com

器乐合奏及古典舞《桃夭》 1 N2 O* V2 K8 `3 |% _: T9 u3 \  I! k
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
4 O- w* k- o/ e( D/ }% P9 X ( }3 L! x6 F  }' r; f
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
; w. j- P$ T% e+ \ ( F6 H6 u$ T/ {: k4 i8 ]
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
/ n2 g* Y4 L! {& i
! f7 y( `  d2 Z% _Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC  N* o: F5 w/ I: i' o- N

6 K4 i6 n8 g* R3 D0 J% l' ~" ~3 \Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC0 o5 L! }: }4 H- [) f9 e

5 H! [* Y* J0 n2 I8 mChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC8 `$ B) k& H8 z1 K

7 h! r# ?! b6 l. c! z) v+ D- l: K2 G5 y) J' O0 m; ~5 n9 M0 R* ]1 x
[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:59 编辑 ]


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com

温哥华中华乐团的风采 2 K4 {% H! x( b9 Q& i
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC4 a, p/ h% E0 x* Q3 y0 m

  s* P% A# f$ d) F: R" u8 JChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
! ^+ O" }& ~0 J2 {" O. G
- i  r, w# l7 b* r2 A: iChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC2 j" o0 v/ L$ ~5 W5 B

& o9 }1 ^8 Q4 N7 z+ C2 i5 JChinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
# J  W7 j" t/ @! Q
. |1 v( V4 N" `0 u  R9 y
  h. \9 ?4 S% G2 j% n1 a& D* ]* {[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:58 编辑 ]


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部: chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com

: h; P! ?- i/ ?# e1 y5 W* k剧照从第五页#86楼开始;点这里从第一张剧照看起 , @5 B$ C7 Z/ _8 |( ~4 Y/ J
. c7 c- g+ ~- v3 l) x尾声、谢幕。
/ r9 H4 @  R" X 0 f) J/ }  k) n
2 v# N+ w, w9 V1 ~. {% G5 E
; |* p% F% h9 `! Z* R[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:58 编辑 ]



Chinese Culture Dance Victoria



Victoria Chinese Culture Club Dancers


维多利亚中华文化俱乐部舞蹈团6月2在加拿大维多利亚大学演出5 A( n: F& J3 p$ f/ H9 Q
2013-06-02 at the Asian Heritage Celebration at Congress 2013 at the University of Victoria, Canada
0 e% W) E0 y+ e! }" kChinese dance for children in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance in Victoria, BC
9 ?( \* d  Q2 W: u' T7 w$ P   f5 t' |& L0 R7 Q, x

* [$ c7 d# c- f( u0 ?) c[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:41 编辑 ]



Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
* y: n3 I0 t3 j: V " H1 i2 n8 ]' F7 B1 E7 |
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC4 h3 f9 ]" `# {



, c+ ^4 z/ N/ Q/ o4 wChinese dance for children in Victoria, BC . @" F) o$ i, b6 J* r9 q: p
Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
" F+ p- C! m& \  } 4 h" r3 B+ ]6 ?8 g3 z$ W( K
Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
; G2 S( Z" B; ~! G. s* X6 c



/ e2 {% D- ]7 d( l! j8 `
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
0 X7 O/ N' O3 N, `: S9 B, l& P
' v, X, B$ ]3 R6 u5 k9 k0 y, F8 t/ I
5 C# y, E% |# z  y/ d5 c
# y  `8 Y; f* w6 q1 r 9 \9 r" g$ f( P- ?7 J, s# ]

Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC

0 k8 F1 i/ M: J8 E) H8 e$ s4 z

! `0 F, \' G3 S$ ]- X4 @( T


中华文化俱乐部 青年组古典舞《床前明月光》

Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC: F, E8 y. @8 m3 |1 q0 U  d

. W  L# ~" r9 m5 `Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC 7 n8 c" \( t+ j7 k+ v. m
Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC
% B9 O% |, \3 P) L4 F



Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC

hinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC



Chinese dance in Victoria, BC; Chinese dance for children in Victoria, BC) @0 C# o" m- j7 a, r0 j$ l




感谢 MrGrant 和中文学校的鼓励!


回复 133# 的帖子

原帖由 duorui 于 2013-6-27 16:32 发表
2 X3 s' A' b: z4 n+ u希望可以报名参加排练和活动~
& p, r( h: X1 R7 Dduorui, 请发短信留下您的电话
0 W4 J. }- J# [或者,给我们发电子邮件 chinesedancevictoria@hotmail.com. {1 P# \# h  j: ~( }7 d
" X  o1 T  ?4 P3 s
以便跟您联系,1 D* @0 W! z7 \( R* J$ w

9 x7 X. O2 t+ w9 `  V* b/ K多谢!, c. B0 S* y5 }* R& |( y! N- ^5 f+ r
8 u' Z# |. Z! y! w- [
[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:56 编辑 ]


中华文化俱乐部舞蹈团 成人舞蹈队本周六开学
6 \9 l& V6 V5 ~4 {4 i7 P时间仍然是早上10点。- I4 U% Z7 O: v7 P% Q7 W: o& T* ]
有问题联系方式:$ X3 I: P; i* v2 \+ M
. @: X0 x4 b2 @0 @. A! p
( K1 @1 J7 U- ?4 q0 [/ [. K' ~[ 本帖最后由 VCCC 于 2019-5-24 16:54 编辑 ]
Chinese Culture Dance Victoria

