
About open a $USD Chequing Account

From Kings tax and Bookkeeping Service Phone:250-885-8290, www.kingstax.com
Recommend Coast Capital Saving US chequing account. better service and interst, low fee or even can get free services

Coast US Chequing account is ideal if you want to write cheques in US dollars and earn interest. This account helps to reduce the expense of converting Canadian dollars into US funds and back again. Also, it's great if you want to invest in US funds.

Key features

  All transaction fees waived with a min monthly balance of $1,000
  Earn interest
Invest and write cheques in US funds


1.CoastCapital US chequing  对学生也是全免费的. BMO对学生canadian chequing account还有30次的transcation限制。Coast Capital不管是不是学生,canadian chequing account都是免费的,没有限制次数。还有unlimited High intersted saving account 1%
2.Coast Capital US chequing, 也可以写支票,只要存满$1000.00就没有收费。
3.请问Lina,你光讲了学生的BMO US chequing account.能说说BMO US chequing account  不是学生的话,怎么收费啊?有没有minimum balance 来减免收费呢?谢谢
4。另外US dollar 想拿点利息的话,存Coast Capital saving 利息也比较好点。
Short Term 30-59 Day US GIC 0.150%
Short Term 60-89 Day US GIC 0.200%
Short Term 90-119 Day US GIC 0.250%
Short Term 120-179 Day US GIC 0.300%
Short Term 180-269 Day US GIC 0.450%
Short Term 270-364 Day US GIC 0.500%
Short Term 365 Day US GIC 0.600%


回复 6# 的帖子

It is easy to open US chequing account, just bring your two pieces of ID, then go to Coast Capital Savings. For bank locations, please visit www.coastcapitalsavings.com.
You may find people who can speak Madarin or Cantonese


请问Lina,你的美金投资有多大风险呢? High risk, High rate

