

Response to #7


Sorry for that I cann't type Chinese in my machine.

If a tenant doesn't pay the rent in time and there is no sign that he/she will pay the rent for the month, landlord can give tenant a 10-days notice. The tenant has to pay in 5 days after he/she receives this notice. Otherwise, landlord can apply for arbitrator in tenancy office to force him/her to move out in a few weeks. It will take less than one month normally for the whole process (including order of possession).

I believe most landlords don't like to apply for arbitrator to force tenant to move out. However, you have to use this rights to handle some tough tenants.


Landlord Club?

As a landlord, you will have to know the rules of residential tenancy. What are the tenant's rights and what are landlord's rights? How to handle some tough cases just in case you can use it...

Yes, there are books in tenancy office regarding this, however, we may have more cases happen in real life...If we can get together to discuss more about cases, we may prevent a lot headache things happening in the future...   

Any of you like to organize/join a landlord club?

