
第六世嘉仓仁波切佛法讲座 - 10月31日下午6-9点

第六世嘉仓仁波切佛法讲座 - 10月31日下午6-9点

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4 d* c( W$ o9 s7 s1 g7 j& i
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! d4 Z- i( R& p- O4 cOctober 31th is the Lhawab Festival, the great celebration of Buddha's descent from heaven. On this special day, starting at 6pm, we will have a Dharma teaching with question and answer session, followed by guru yoga puja. Those who wish to take or renew their upsaka vows will have the opportunity to do so.  / i1 ^& }% m: L+ E0 e) x" j) @! g
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十月三十一日,是佛陀天降日,在这个重要的节日里,我们将举行一个佛法教学与问答,想受五戒的人, 我们会有受戒仪式, 还有供奉上师的瑜伽颂,欢迎广大信众前来参加。      
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6 p2 `8 m# ?- |7 b0 G时间:10月31日(周三)下午6-9点,
& h  W& I" N3 p9 d1 C4 l* X地址在:卡莫森学院新教学大楼
& y# k  w% {# h8 U3 G/ Z( NAddress:Young building at Camosun Lansdowne

% T4 F5 X& f6 f! ]& m3 |" Q0 G5 |+ A4 a& H, ]* R* l" C

4 @) X% j1 ~: i2 U4 x: h% l. Y9 e. r( t/ {( A: @2 q
[ 本帖最后由 维度传媒 于 2018-10-29 10:39 编辑 ]



(smile) (smile)



