
heavy loss of great man/high leaders still will take place in the future

heavy loss of great man/high leaders still will take place in the future


At the beginning of this year, in my article  “Loving warning to the world in 2010 from prophet Yunfeng” (visit my  blog:——http://chenjian.wordpress.com/2010/02/09/the-letter-to-barack-obama-which-sent-on-feb-8-2010/),  Master Yunfeng  reminded the world “3 great predictions— Airplane  crash/accident prediction/ earthquake  prediction/ international death prediction will keep on going” ,as all  we know this period, Master Yunfeng’s 3 great predictions was proved  many times. the most famous case was polish president plane crash  tragedy. this accident proved Master Yunfeng’s Airplane crash/accident  prediction and international death prediction at same time. Many of the  courtry ’s top leaders and elites died together. Master Yunfeng  predict“such kind of  heavy loss of great man/high leaders still will  take place in the future ,even worse.”
Also, on 7th,april,2010  when I  sent letter to U.S.A president Obama (visit my blog:——http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-432904),  I wrote:“Dear President Obama, a great disaster will happen in china  near soon. Master Yunfeng’ s prediction is very precise, he can not give  his china disaster prediction publicly due to china’s law and rules, so  we wish you communicate with Chinese president by your influence,  inform  Chinese president that “in year 2010,huge injure and lost will  occur in china, wish Chinese government do Disaster Preparedness and  Relief work before it happens. the detail such as exact time and place  of future disaster,only can be told after visit and meet Master  Yunfeng.” Very soon later, Qinghai Earthquake occurred, proved master  yunfeng’s prediction and his Jannuary mentioned mistic number “7”.  (visit my blog:——http://www.512-china.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=196&Itemid=26)

All master  Yunfeng’s these great predictions will still be proved in the future.  many big event will happen in the future. only visit and meet Master  Yunfeng, can people really be able to get out of the huge disaster.

今年年初,云峰大师在《2010年给全世界的博爱警示》一文中提到“三大预言(地震频发/飞机空难/国际大人物死亡事件)将继续验证。众所周知,近期三大预言验证了多次,其中的波兰总统坠机事件尤其引人注目,同时验证了大师的空难预言和国际死亡预言,波兰国家精英更是在此次事件当中大批死亡! 云峰大师预言这类国际大人物死亡事件还将会上演,大人物扎堆死亡事件更会有!

另外,我在201047写信给奥巴马时提 到:“奥巴马,中国即将发生一场很大的灾难,云峰大师的预言非常精确,因为中国法律,他不能公开他的中国灾难预言,希望你用你的权力与中国元首胡锦涛沟 通,告知他‘中国在2010年有重大伤亡灾难出现,希望中国政府事先做好防灾救灾的准备,精确的时间地点等详细情况,只有拜见 云峰大师,方能告知’”!不久后发生的青海玉树地震,,验证了云峰大师的预言和他在20101月提到的特殊数字"7"!


Contact:  Chen Jian
Cellphone: (646)861-9042
YunFeng’s  Prediction Site: http://www.512-china.org
Love  Site: http://www.512-china.com
Email:   yunFeng@188.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

