
加国罪恶之城排行榜 卑诗前20过半 安省魁省安全

楼主过来了吗? 不住这儿的人会有些误解。不过误解对本地居民并非坏事, 岛上地皮紧张, 来的人少了, 租屋买房都会便宜啦.

这些排名是按市区评选的。加拿大各地市区大小很不相同,维多利亚地区分得太细,不大的地方共有十一个市区,危险排名第二的(小)维多利亚市区只是市中心/城里的一个市区,这里其它市区是很安全的。比如紧挨着的(更大的)Saanich区危险排名则是第74名。华人较多的Gordon Head小区就在Saanich, UVic大学校园一半在Saanich区,一半在Oak Bay区.

(小)维多利亚市区是省政府所在地,也是旅游胜地,所以旅游季外晚上一般街上人比较少。加上这儿气候温和,吸引了不少流浪人士,所以城里小偷小抢也要多一些,白天也常有发生。 但平时进城并不觉危险,只是和在其它城市一样,躲着流浪讨钱人士看好包物, 晚上无事不进城即可。

加拿大大部分地区每年一半(or more)的时间冰雪封门,  气候较好的地方(包括BC省西南地区)是吸引人,大家都想来,流浪人士没有租金房贷之忧,更容易来,来了当然是在城里居住方便。所以这大概也是BC省市区占头二十名内一半原因之一吧,这里城里流浪人士管理总是一个头疼的问题。


“This shows the problem with having eleven municipalities in the area. If they were all amalgamated we would save tremendously in overhead (one mayor, one police force etc.) and crime statistics would be over the entire CRD. The stats for an amalgamated Victoria would be much lower. An amalgamated police force would be much more effective as well.”

“The stats is for Victoria core area only.  But when outside people refer to Victoria wrt moving, they normally mean the whole CRD area, including Saanich, Sidney, Brentwood, Langford, View Royal and Oak Bay. The Inner Harbor and the Store St area are for people to visit, not to live.  

We have visiting friend being robbed on Douglas St during day time, and yet the very same person feels very safe walking alone in middle night on our home street near UVic.”

“I have a friend from Vancouver who had to come to Victoria for a business trip mid-week.  After all the government workers clear out of downtown it gets pretty quiet down there during the week.  She didn't feel safe walking around at 7:00 on a Tuesday night.  She said the streets were pretty empty."

"Downtown is pretty dead after 7pm. But it is of course very alive at 2am when the bars close."


原帖由 lytton 于 2011-12-18 08:47 发表
在哪儿不用小心坏人呢?  还没去过天堂, 说不定那儿也有不良之徒呢


原帖由 kevin6096 于 2011-12-18 08:22 发表
看来大家都是很热爱自己居住的城市的,给了我信心  谢谢!
有爱的也有恨的, 刚刚还有人在喊"死岛"和"食人谷"呢 (开玩笑呵).

但回答你问题的网友们可都是凭事实解释, 可没有人在感情用事啊.

