
本周六 IT Club 活动预告. the SilverCAT Project. 欢迎所有人参加

本周六 IT Club 活动预告. the SilverCAT Project. 欢迎所有人参加

Topic: the SilverCAT ProjectDescription: SilverCAT is a project I started few months ago. It is a Silverlight Application running on Windows Azure. It is a Computer Aided Translation System help translators to work better. It is a global shared linguistic knowledge base which contains mass translation memory pairs. In this seminar, I will go through the following topics.Methodology of SilverCAT Computer Aided Translation PlatformSystem DesignTechnical TopicsCloud Computing - Windows Azure EnvironmentNoSQL - Azure Table Non-Relational DatabaseWeb ClawerSilverLightProject Status and Team BuildingI have a introduction site for this projecthttp://sites.google.com/site/silvercatproject/Everyone is welcome to this seminar. I am looking for team members for this project. I cannot offer you a job, but I can offer you an opportunity to be a CTO of a startup company !各位. 英文介绍在上面. 我懒得重新翻译. 我相信你们都看得懂. 我想补充说明的一点就是. 我正在招募团队成员. 我希望有兴趣参加这样项目的人都来听听我的计划, 看看Demo, 提提你的问题. 来之前可以看看我那个介绍网站, 便于理解这个计划的内容, 最好可以带着问题来. 我乐意接受挑战. 地点是以马内利浸信会二楼 (UVic南门. 2121 Cedar Hill X Rd). 时间是2:30pm 八月28日.


时间推迟一周. 下周六同样时间. 抱歉



