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标题: 求助lina有关business account [打印本页]

作者: 350Z    时间: 2009-8-10 14:44     标题: 求助lina有关business account

请问在BMO申请商业账户需要携带什么文件,还有每个月package是什么样的,还有merchant service又是怎么收费的。。。谢谢
作者: lloydli    时间: 2009-8-10 21:18

作者: linafeng    时间: 2009-8-12 21:47

原帖由 350Z 于 2009-8-10 13:44 发表
请问在BMO申请商业账户需要携带什么文件,还有每个月package是什么样的,还有merchant service又是怎么收费的。。。谢谢
如果你是:Sole Proprietorship

What do you need to bring to the Bank?

如果你是:Incorporated Company

What do you need to bring to the Bank?

如果你是:General Partnership

What do you need to bring to the Bank?

如果你是:Unincorporated Association

What do you need to bring to the Bank?

帐户收费,客户可以选择pay as you go,或选择银行提供的计划套餐:Small Business Banking Plan。每月$9.50,根据你的公司是收现金多还是支票多来选择你要哪一个。

The $9.50 service fee covers:

More Cheques

More Cash

Monthly transaction limit1515
Fixed monthly Plan fee $9.50$9.50
Number of cheque deposits2010
Monthly cash deposit limit$1,000$4,000
Minimum monthly balance required to waive Plan fees $4,000$4,000
Excess transaction cost$1.00$1.00

在这个银行计划下,客户可同时免费设立business premium savings account。

公司稍微上了点规模了,有一定的月交易量的话,可以选择Value Plan中的一种:

The Details

Value Plans
In-branch monthly deposit limit1000000
Monthly transaction limit1 220355075125200
Fixed monthly plan fee$ 1524344485125
Fee waiver3 minimum balance$ 5,0009,00013,00017,00032,00045,000
Monthly cash (note) deposit limit4$1,0003,0005,0007,00010,00015,000
Monthly cheques deposit limit41020305070100

为了帮助小企业客户走出他们创业的第一步,我们银行更提供New Business Start-Up Package ,提供头三个月的Free Banking。

At BMO Bank of Montreal we understand how tight money can be for a new business. To help in the success of new ventures, we offer the New Business Start-Up Package. Enroll in an Everyday Banking for Business Plan and we'll waive the fixed monthly plan fee for the first three months of the Plan account's operation regardless of the minimum monthly balance in the account.

The Details

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal
3481 Cook Street
作者: 350Z    时间: 2009-8-13 12:30

作者: linafeng    时间: 2009-11-10 22:56

向在BMO已经有business account又或者打算开business account的各位企业老板们通告一声:

BMO现在正在做promotion,只要拥有三个商用账户产品:支票账户+储蓄账户+信用卡,即可获得6个月free banking。

如果之前已经拥有了商业支票账户的朋友,现在也只要再开储蓄账户+信用卡,也可获得6个月free banking。

好消息是储蓄账户和信用卡都是免费的。 而且原来business credit card的利息是可以这么低的,我最近帮客户申请了第一张商业信用卡,年利率才3.9%啊。



Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal
3481 Cook Street

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