
Englis Corner on UVic Campus

Englis Corner on UVic Campus

English Corner" u* X+ t0 \7 n5 t% p! M" E
Every Wednesday at 7:30pm
3 Y! O( u3 h8 b  v0 r6 X# _- q3 IUVic Clearihue Building,Room C109,(across from SUB)- ]6 }- s$ U% U, ]8 Z

" w9 V, r9 W" y  e2 B$ [2 V: q  V1 N; B  [. z
Free of Charge
! }% c& T% f% K5 L# k6 f/ Z- Come discuss interesting topics
  I* |  P" C* C+ \5 L$ c- Practice English
7 J5 R) h4 @- _- Make new friends
- f* {% T# ~& o5 J' \- Improve vocabulary
1 R3 ^# J: `& \9 P$ b/ E$ D- Intermediate to Advanced: f: M9 j& ^; m
' c: I, r* D  O. n6 ]3 \
Many Smiles!. j* M( {) F. K/ }: o" Q/ V* ?" q
Paula Scallion-Pond
5 A, X. j; a/ D! z! Fscallionpond@gmail.com
( [: ~4 ^9 f) {( c9 l0 Q* u1 K250-298-9121


這個地點很方便." m3 t% A7 e( f9 J; Z& F/ K
: n8 n/ G/ h- t
週三晚上沒事的話.會找朋友一起去.+ w  p% x* G0 w' O8 B
( w, G* s6 Y$ l  C
謝謝提供資訊 ^_^

