
申请work permit的新政策!

申请work permit的新政策!


Post-Graduation Work Permit ProgramThe Post-Graduation Work Permit Program allows most international students who have graduated from an eligible program at a post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience. A minimum of one year of work experience  in managerial, professional or technical positions (i.e., at level 0, A or B under the National Occupational Classification system) will be necessary to apply to stay permanently through the Canadian Experience Class.

The changes to the program include extending the duration of the work permit to three years across the country for those whose program of study is at least two years (previously, permits could be granted for only one or two years, depending on location); providing the flexibility for new graduates to work in any field and not just their field of study; and removing the requirement to have a job offer.

To be eligible for the program, international students:

  • Must have studied full-time for the eight months preceding the completion of their program of studies and have graduated from:
    • a public post-secondary institution, such as a college, university or CEGEP (in Quebec); or
    • a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions, and that receives at least 50 percent of its financing for its overall operations from government grants (currently, only private college-level educational institutions in Quebec qualify); or
    • a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial or territorial statute to confer degrees.
  • Must apply for a work permit within 90 days of receiving written confirmation (for example, a transcript or an official letter) from the institution that they have met the requirements of the academic program.
  • Must have completed and passed the program of study and received a notification that they are eligible to obtain their degree, diploma or certificate.
  • Must have a valid study permit when they apply for the work permit.
Note that if the student’s program of study is less than two years but at least eight months, the student would be eligible for a post-graduate work permit. However, the validity period of the work permit must not be longer than the period of study of the graduate at the particular post-secondary institution in Canada.

International students not eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program include the following:

  • Students participating in a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program or a Government of Canada Awards Program funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
  • Students receiving funding from the Canadian International Development Agency and participating in a distance learning program.
  • Students who have previously been issued a post-graduation work permit after any other program of study. However, note that graduates who are already working with a work permit issued under the previous rules are eligible to apply for an extension.


Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7



根据移民部公布国际学生毕业后转申请工作签证的新方法,只要是在加拿大公私立专上院校,完成学位、文凭或是证书,毕业前至少全职就读8个月,即可取得一个可留在加拿大,从事任何工作的开放工作签证(Open Work Permit)。工作签证期限最长达到3年,比旧规定的2年,还要延长一年。

联邦公民及移民部长范茵丽(Diane Finley)表示,新措施即时生效,配合移民部在今夏推出加拿大经验类別移民(Canadian Experience Class),希望有更多国际学生毕业之后,申请移民留在加国。在此之前,加拿大三大城市温哥华、多伦多和满地可,只核发1年工作签证,其他地区為2 年。

范茵丽表示,移民部公布的大专毕业生工作计划(Post-Graduation Work Program),未来只要在加拿大认可的专上学院毕业的国际学生,取得毕业证书后,可以在90天內申请工作签证。除了不用提供僱主证明將从事的工作之外,也毋须与所就读学科系相关。新例即时生效。



